3 Facts About Prayer
By The Bil Cornelius Team

Are you trying to pray but can’t find the words, or even the will, to start? Prayer is easier and more important than you might think, and God shows us this through facts about prayer you might not know.

The first fact is this: You are important; God is listening to you. The God of the universe stops everything to listen to you and hear your prayers, and it doesn’t matter how big or how small the request is. You could be praying for something as little as asking for a good day or as big as praying for health, healing, and funds for yourself or a loved one. My mother used to pray for parking spots to open up at the mall, and God answered her prayers all the time. It doesn’t have to be a big prayer; it just has to be a prayer.

You are important; God is listening to you.
– @bilcornelius

The next one is this: When you ask God to help you, He will deploy His angels to come and help you through your situation. Psalm 91:11-12 says this, “For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands, so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.” Know that no matter what, God is on your side, and He is willing to send His angels to protect you. They will fight for you. All you need to do is ask.

And lastly, number three: When you don’t know what to pray, ask the Holy Spirit to pray for you. You can say this, ‘God, I don’t even know what I need, but I ask you, Holy Spirit, to pray on my behalf and to help me in this time of need.’ He will give you the words and direction. He knows exactly what you need now, and what you will need in the future.

Know that no matter what, God is on your side, and He is willing to send His angels to protect you.
– @bilcornelius

I want to encourage you, if you haven’t already, to pray today. Give time to God, talk to Him, and He’ll be able to move through you. God is there for you. He stops everything to hear your prayers, He sends His angels to help, and even when you don’t know what to pray, The Holy Spirit prays for you. All you have to do is reach out. He’s waiting for you.

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